Comments on: Under Milk Wood | Bambina Borracha Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adam Mon, 12 Jul 2010 07:26:29 +0000 Interesting perspective, when i saw this the other night, everyone seemed to be murmuring about ‘when they read milk wood’. I cant put my finger on why it is, but this text seems to resonate with so many people. I went straight down to ampersand the next day to find a copy only to discover that it is free on project gutenberg.
I found this to be a surprisingly moving and sophisticated production. I think the way they played off the ‘one woman show’ aspect was beautifully understated, there was so much warmth from the stage and at the end i felt like i had been in a dream only to awaken to grey Sydney skies and the sounds of my neighbours going at it just like mr and mrs cherry owen.

By: Amy Fri, 09 Jul 2010 23:45:58 +0000 I saw this performance last night and was not so impressed. Zoe seems to lack that certain sparkle that can engage an audience for 90 mins. I found most of the characters ingenuous and acted as caricatures, which distanced me from the lives and stories. I read in the program that this was a performance Zoe and Vanessa had been yearning to do since they were 17 – unfortunately I don’t think their vision has grown and matured in that 9 years and seemed a fairly dull response.

By: lucey Tue, 06 Jul 2010 05:50:16 +0000 Nice review. I saw this last week – adored it. Skillfully put together and delightful. I agree that not enough Sydney theatre means enough to the producers and Under Milkwood contrasts with that
