Comments on: Unsettlings | PACT ImPACT Ensemble Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Grant Moxom Fri, 03 Dec 2010 00:52:28 +0000 Thanks for the review Gus!
You make an interesting point on the very different role that ‘ensemble’ work has in the imPACT program compared to acting schools. It’s a great feelings to know that you have a group of excited/ing artists who are working with you because they want to, rather than because they were told to.
It’s been really interesting how meditative the work ended up being. Far from the shlock/shock stuff which a lot of young performers sink their teeth into, we seemed to be operating in a very different, more relaxed way. There was no nudity or violence even in the process, except for at one stage one of the performers ran to the highest point of the building and said “NO-ONE’S DONE THIS YET!” and dropped their pants. (I’m paraphrasing).
I’ll be interested in seeing what happens next!
