Archive for May, 2011

The Shoe-Horn Sonata | Emu Heights Productions


There is something about theatre, and art for that matter, that brings out the very extremes of humanity. Art can reveal great hideous cruelty and also the most tender-hearted altruism. The act of theatre production, is largely an act of faith and hope (I’m making this as my gift to you, it’s a story I need to share with you) … which can often manifest in arrogance (I MADE THIS, YOU NEED TO SEE THIS! OR ELSE!) – and it is in the former, that Ian Zammit started Emu Height Productions late in 2010. Read more

Ama and Chan | Urban Theatre Projects


Urban Theatre Projects latest theatrical offering is a saucy and irreverent departure from their usual fare, created by two utterly unique and charismatic performers – Effie Nkrumah and Alan Lao. As the inaugural show for the new Bankstown Arts Centre theatre, this is an bright and fun start to the theatre. Billed as “Part stand-up, part-theatre, part live-to-internet cooking show,” there is more medicine to this sugary pill, than first meets the eye. Read more

Thai Dai | Greg Fleet at the Sydney Comedy Festival


The Comedy Festival has once again descended upon Sydney. Posters of quirky/surprised/defiant/quizzical comedians urging us to take a holiday from the un-hilarious, wallpaper the cafes and bookstores of the inner west, amongst them, Greg Fleet. Read more

A personal response NOT a review of The Business | Belvoir


I’ve been typing. I have been sitting here typing. There are four sentences half-formed and mangled below this sentence. It’s been five days or so since seeing The Business and I have been sitting on it. Read more

The Sydney Fringe 2011


They walk amongst you. They may be next to you on the train, or ordering a coffee in front of you. Perhaps they are the person you see around all the time, but you don’t know their name – but you recognize their hair or their clothes. They are Sydney’s artists and this spring they will be leaping forth once again with the weird and the wonderful as a part of the Sydney Fringe.

For those out there with a show, or an idea for a show, the Sydney Fringe has opened up applications… this is your chance. Dream big, risk everything, make something that matters. There is no point in living a life half lived, or shrugging your shoulders and letting another month/year/opportunity slip by. If you have some thing to show or tell or say, say it.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.