Comments on: THE GLORIFICATION OF BUSY & THE EXTREME SPORT OF MAKING THEATRE: a morning thought by Augusta Supple. Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clare Mon, 23 Sep 2013 23:50:09 +0000 This is the exact cluster of issues that has been troubling me the last two years since my bestie yelled at me that I was putting pressure on everyone around me.

I get a fair bit done but I have a creeping dread that my friendships are suffering – between their kids, and my attempting to live a reasonably remunerative life as a teacher and classical singer on top of my so-far hopelessly unremunerative but all-absorbing life as a contemporary songwriter and show-maker, I haven’t found a balance. I vanish from my friends’ lives for 6 months at a time.

I don’t see what can be cut – I feel responsible to myself and to my bandies to write, and responsible to my students to teach, etc etc. At first it’s fun when people greet you by saying, “I know you’re busy, but will you -” but it’s starting to freak me out that I often only see friends FROM THE STAGE and for ten minutes in the lobby afterwards. That’s just wrong.

Will bookmark and reread next time I am wanting to charge ahead with “getting something up” so I can see what it looks like!
