Comments on: Sweet Nothings | atyp Under The Wharf, John Kachoyan & pantsguys productions Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jen95 Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:08:09 +0000 I agree – this play is problematic and has been found so in both the Harrower and Stoppard adaptations but what I find more problematic is your review of this show. I saw it in it’s first week and though by no means did I enjoy every aspect of it (I too felt uncomfortable with the gender issues playing out, but I do believe a lot of the discomfort I felt was that I too have been that girl, put my heart on the line for a man indifferent to me) – but it was a play that engrossed me and provided much debate and conversation with my friends on the drive home and isn’t that what seeing theatre is a about? I find of late reviewers have started taking personal offence to shows that challenge their own personal taste and this concerns me, I believe it should concern everyone.

To paraphrase your own words this review is ‘not really anything new, or bold’ – it’s once again another review that lambasts and condescends to the point of the reviewer (yourself) publishing what can only be said to be a stream of consciousness that I read only as waste of time and energy for yourself. This is a show that polarises, you either love it or you hate it and what concerns me most about this review of the show that it is written with a ‘sigh’ and ‘no passion’ – I get you didn’t like it, but it’s written with such indifference that I come back to my first point – why write this in the first place?

As a regular reader of your blog and I follow you on Twitter (I find you quite engaging on it btw) I was disappointed in this posting as it lacked the nuanced and objective voice that I normally equate with your work. Your lambasting of this play for not being a romantic comedy confused me as I myself, a big consumer of rom coms, didn’t think for a moment that was what I was watching.

But perhaps I’ve missed something?

Your comments on the set and its design again confused me as I found it both naturalistic and nuanced and a great use of the space that is limited at ATYP by those large boulders in the middle of the pace have distracted in nearly show I’ve seen there except this one.

Perhaps we watched a different play?

For what it’s worth I completely agree with your review of Matilda Ridgeway. And Yes, Sweet Nothings is an unsatisfying love story but then again isn’t that what unrequited love is, unsatisfying? But hey, maybe that’s just me…
