
I love this picture. I love that it is an emblem of my first show containing all seven writers of 7-On Playwrights collective. Over the past 4 years I have worked with all of them at least once of my many projects I have launched and curated, produced or commissioned… but never all of them in the one show, at the one time, in the one place. I love this picture because the flowers are all at different stages of relaxing/growing. I love the colours. I love that it’s a lady painter. I love it…

Sometimes all the moons align and all the things you need and want are at your fingertips.

Sometimes it all just happens.

Sometimes it’s joyful and easy.

And this was one such project…

The cast presented themselves to me through various channels – through email, or previous shows, by accident, via text message, via facebook, awkward conversations – and as they appeared all was made obvious and I thought ‘but of course s/he should do this piece, of course!’ I offered the pieces – and each slotted into place – falling in love with their monologue and their writer.

The rehearsal spaces were pulled together from benevolent theatre managers – Luke Rogers, Phil Spencer, Simon Wellington.

The props presented themselves for free or cheap (with the exception of bananas for Ned Manning’s piece).

Images of gross/scarey things (again, for Ned’s piece) came courtesy of Adelaide’s precocious lady-blogger No Plain Jane.

ISM granted us the space and time in their busy Novemberism schedule.

Over 10 days, (part-time) 7 actors, 7 writers and I pulled together an 80 minute show. It’s true. And all rehearsals squeezed around day jobs and freelance gigs – as I wished, once again, that a benevolent super hero would supply me with enough cash to relieve my 90 hour work week. All rehearsals contained script edits and slices taken and removed and re-shaped.

And appearing out of nowhere a helping hand from my first ever work experience boy (now a man – all grown up and at Acting school at Charles Sturt Uni) Oliver Rynn… and of course the generous donation of an original composition from my better/different half Michal Imielski (who is knee-deep creating a very special site-specific work in Parramatta – more on that later…)

And there was a moment in the show – on the first night – which was the first time the pieces had been performed in the space when one of the actors dried. Completely. Then walked off. An actors (and director’s AND writer’s WORST nightmare.) It was at that moment the room went still and quiet. I called out to the actor, then asked the audience to show their love and support and their friendliness- and the room erupted in applause. Absolute proof in the generosity and kindness of audiences. The bravery of actors. And why I love live performance.

There are certain projects and certain people I have worked with that inspire you to want to do more, try more, work more, be more – be braver, smarter, better – conquer the world. This was one of those projects, containing a multitude (15 in total) of those people. To whom I am grateful for their generosity and talent.

I Contain Multitudes
Narcissus by Hilary Bell, performed by Felix Jozeps

iSpiderman by Noelle Janaczewska, performed by Stephen Wilkinson

Ariadne by Verity Laughton,performed by Josipa Draisma

The World’s Tiniest Monkey by Vanessa Bates, performed by Madeleine Jones

A Cleansing Force by Donna Abela, performed by Melinda Dransfield

Sex-Ed by Ned Manning, performed by Jennifer White

A Child Into the World by Catherine Zimdahl, performed by Matt Charleston

The process was wonderful – the playwrights and actors so generous and vigilant and sensitive to the work and each other. And what astounds me is just how amazing the energy and passion of artists is – that we made that show – and it was good.

And only a couple of handfuls of people saw it – as happens sometimes in a small venue – but sometimes you need to do a pleasure project which ignites and inspires and invigorates and challenges you. All of you. And for me, this was that pleasure project. And so now?

To exhale.


Inhale the smell of lilies in my apartment… and dream fresh dreams.
