
The Australian Theatre Forum.

A theatrical biennale? An industrial schmoozefest? A reminder of time well-spent or mismanaged? A presentation of timely provocations? An excuse to navel gaze? Forced face-time with national digital connections? A convergence of arts companies, artists and beauracrats? Or perhaps a drama camp on steroids…

The Australian Theatre Forum: a theatre person’s reunion.
More frequent than Halley’s Comet.

Whatever it is I’m honoured I’ve been asked along to be an “official blogger” alongside my blog-sister Jane Howard … Jane and I were enlisted last ATF in Brisbane as the official bloggers – where we live-blogged the whole festival. The result of 3 days of live-blogging the festival resulted in 14,000 words from me and a catatonic state by the last night. This time around I have decided to approach the task a little differently to ensure that I don’t become a catatonic mess muttering “buh buh buh” as food is thrown at my numb face.

This ATF I will be live tweeting the sessions I attend with #ATF2013 – using Twitter as a public note pad for me to think about post-event – and I’ll blog a reflection – a post-event rumination perhaps. I’ll also be engaging in Twitter chat live as well for those near and far wanting to chat about the ideas.

I’ll be leaving the “Live” blogging to Jane. She’s a gun at that!

Official Bloggers ATF2013

Official Bloggers ATF2013