Photo on 28-03-14 at 6.56 PM #2

To me there is nothing more exciting than the convergence of a range of different minds and hearts and voices coming together to collide, clash, reinforce, reveal, support or offer a completely new perspective, a personal perspective. When this convergence is around of and for playwrights, their plight and their inspiration, their resilience, adaptability and experience – well – it’s the perfect way to spend a Saturday.

Today is that Saturday when the grounds of the NSW Writers Centre will host a rabble of playwrights (what is the collective noun for playwrights?) to talk about inspiration, process, producing and all manner of logistical and industrial issues.

In 2012 Australian Theatre’s sweetheart, Kate Mulvany lead us in our first NSW Writers Centre Playwriting Festival with a keynote from the Industry’s Gandalf, John McCallum. This year one of my favourite playwrights, people and personally one of my all time favourite colloborators Vanessa Bates is at the helm. She’s invited the effervescent and brutally quirky Lally Katz to open the festival.

I’ll be there listening and cheering on and provoking and doing all the things I love to do, with the people I love to do it with: playwrights.

To add to the conversation, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre has developed a brand new residency for performance makers to develop their work in a supportive environment. I’ll be spruiking the residency program and encouraging playwrights to pitch. I’ll also be live tweeting through out the day… so that’s @augustasupple

I’ll be chairing a conversation about the collaborative process with several artists who I admire deeply and endlessly: Hilary Bell, Caleb Lewis and Jane Phegan in the Patrick White Room.

3.30 – 4.15 – The Collaborative Process
Ways of working together.
When does collaboration help the process?
Is it worth committing to a co-writer or a group?
Can you have an ongoing relationship with a director?

More information:
Full program:
