Archive for the ‘Opportunities’ Category

Submissions Open for the National Play Festival 2012


Submissions Open for the National Play Festival 2012

Closing date for applications is 3 October 2011 Read more

The Sydney Fringe 2011


They walk amongst you. They may be next to you on the train, or ordering a coffee in front of you. Perhaps they are the person you see around all the time, but you don’t know their name – but you recognize their hair or their clothes. They are Sydney’s artists and this spring they will be leaping forth once again with the weird and the wonderful as a part of the Sydney Fringe.

For those out there with a show, or an idea for a show, the Sydney Fringe has opened up applications… this is your chance. Dream big, risk everything, make something that matters. There is no point in living a life half lived, or shrugging your shoulders and letting another month/year/opportunity slip by. If you have some thing to show or tell or say, say it.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

PlayWriting Australia is calling for submissions


Things that land in my inbox – here’s some great things happening at PlayWriting Australia… Read more

Playwriting Workshops | Queen Street Studio


Playwrights are my rockstars.

Some of them even wear leather jackets (Caleb Lewis), some of them are dashing silver foxes who used to wear leather jackets (Ned Manning), some of them are bright eyed stylish ladies (Tahli Corin) and some are just so unbelievably cool they make you want to move to London and start a new life (Suzie Miller)… I love them. Not just those mentioned above – but the whole colossal lot of them – fiercly, funny, articulate – and as is the lot for many playwrights – extraordinarily hard working and patient. Read more

Practise your Practice


Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers examines the reasons or causes behind people who are high acheivers- the thesis goes onto explain that for any person to be a leader in their field, they need to accrue 10,000 hours of practice in their given field. Gladwell sites the practise of The Beatles (who played 8 hours straight in Hamburg 5 days a week) and Bill Gates (who used to sneak into his local university at 2am to work on Computers as a teenage boy) … its a fascinating idea- and a hypothesis that rings true in the realm of the theatre. Read more

OPPORTUNITY- Summer residency for Artists Under 25


YAK Events is offering groups and individuals the opportunity to develop new or existing work during a two week residency at Shopfront Contemporary Arts Centre. Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.