A reminder amidst the grant writing flurry


It’s grant writing time – today there are grants due in an there is a strange tension in the air – emails are answered in curt monosyllablic sentences, phones answered with unexpected vocal volume, facebook is fairly uninspiring and twitter is slow and rudimentary. We are all huddled listening to our thoughts, pecking away at keyboards racing to be coherent and elligible by the deadline.

I have given myself a 20 minute window to write this. I’m not re-reading, spell checking this. This is a raw post. Read more

SHH Fundraiser | The Arts Platform


There are many ways to show your support for the development of and creation of art. Some are makers or producers, some dedicated punters, others offer word of mouth or social marketing – and some give money. With the rise and rise on online crowdfunded projects – it seems most projects have a Pozible http://www.pozible.com/ promoted project.

Tonight, SHH is hosting a modest gathering of artists at The Arts Platform to connect, celebrate and raise money for their work over a glass of wine or cup of tea. Read more

I Love You, Bro | La Boite & Riverside Theatres


The internet is possibly the most powerful force we know – well that and gravity. It is, like all power subject to extreme abuse. The anonymity of some on the internet is empowering to the coward – and simultaneously weakens the social fabric. It is a force that is unstoppable – and no-one knows this – or the irony of expressing this via a blog, better than me.

In the self-imposed prison of his bedroom, Johnny, a teenage boy, is free. Read more

Truck Stop | Q Theatre at The Seymour Centre


The stage is a boxing ring of metal school seats. Weeds grow up in between the cracks in the concrete. Dandelions with drooping heads. They’re dying – from heat – or perhaps they’ve grown as much as they can grow. A large screen – as big as the audience pounds us with light. We – performers and audience – are dwarfed by the huge faces, mouths. Then here they are. The girls.

Sam. Kelly. Aisha – The Skanks. Read more

Theatre: what it’s taught me about love


This short note is completely inspired by Sam Strong’s recent Griffin newsletter: Read more

It’s a new dawn… it’s a new day…


Yesterday I made a decision.

A big decision.

My life, my lifestyle, my body of work, my mindset, my future direction will be changed utterly with this one decision. Read more

The Joan Project with Kevin Jackson | Genesian Theatre


There are few things I enjoy more than rainy days indoors, having my mind opened by impressive and astounding minds on grand and hopeful things.

A hurried and crooked park in my ancient car in a nearby parking station… hurried rush into a theatre/church on Kent Street: The Genesian Theatre. Returning to their roots Kevin Jackson and Ken Healy to provide insight and context to an upcoming project: Bernard Shaw’s Saint Joan. Read more

Grounded | Tantrum Theatre & ATYP


Co-commissioned by Australian Theatre for Young People and Tantrum Theatre, Alana Valentine’s Grounded is a story combining the events and impact of when the Pasha Bulker ran aground on Nobbys Beach in Newcastle.

I have always, always admired and adored Alana Valentine – she is a straight-shooting, robust and rigorous playwright with an unerring political, social conscience and a prolific list of credits and awards to prove it. And she’s got great personal flair. Read more

Lucy Black | Subtlenuance at The Tap Gallery


Subtlenuance is a company that is the epitome of DYI. With a vision after my own heart, Paul Gilchrist and Daniela Giorgi, time and time again put their money where their heart/mouth/writing is and self-produce exclusively new Australian works. They produce each others plays and invite talented and enthusiastic people to leap on board. Last year most notably they opened their program to a collection of short one-person shows under the banner “Bare Boards Brave Heart”, and produced Katie Pollock’s “A Quiet Night In Rangoon.” Their work ethic is astounding – and if the mantra for academics is “publish or perish” Subtlenuance would be “produce or perish.” Read more

Vale Erin Thomas


This is a small note in tribute to a friend and colleague who passed away this week – dramaturg, producer, writer Erin Thomas. Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.