Rules Of Play | Tin Sheds Gallery


It is a little hidden among the hubbub of The Sydney Fringe (which overwhelms and fatigues even the most enthusiastic punter with it’s stranglehold over art events of the Inner West) but a new group show/residency at Tin Sheds Gallery is a lovely collision of worlds. Read more

Boxing Day | TinShed Theatre Company & MAKEbeLIVE & Tamarama Rock Surfers


If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that Christmas is one of the most difficult days of the year. The lead up is nearly unbearable – constant glitter and sparkles and fairylights and images of a poor but happy Jewish family nursing a blonde boy lying in straw, or worse – a rosy cheeked Coca-cola Santa winking with his all-knowing judgement. It’s a stressful time of year. And to be honest, I don’t like it.

Luckily, the latest offering from Phil Spencer’s pen (or printer cartridge) is not Christmas Day – Read more

Bite Size | IPAN & The Sydney Fringe


I’m going to declare a few things here – If anyone loves playwright lead projects it’s me. Getting work up and out into the world should be the reponsibility of all artists. Read more

A quick note on my Brisbane Festival experience


After my first day in Brisbane at the Australian Theatre Forum I was keen to kick back and soak up the Brisbane Festival offerings. I had very casually glanced over the program for The Brisbane Festival and Under the Radar – and had really no idea what I should see. Read more



(A ha! How the tables turn! Wesley Enoch late to his own session! And who can blame him – it was nearly impossible in our punch drunk state to come inside away from the river and re-engage yet again with the issues facing our sector.)

In the final session of the Australian Theatre Forum it was time to descend into the VISY for the summing up of the findings hosted by Anni Davey and Wesley Enoch to reveal the democratically decided issues considered by the delegates to be most pressing. Read more

Saturation point?


It’s been an intense few days – and I think I am hitting a saturation point. It is a magnificent form of torture being surrounded by 260 odd (and I mean odd) people, having confronting conversations and asking provocative questions. It has been great. Huge. Challenging. Great. It’s been great. Read more



Emerging from the Open Space discussions, key priority areas will be discussed in further detail with breakout groups devising a series of strategies and actions. FACILITATOR: Wesley Enoch

Post coffee and a biscuit (well two biscuits… I needed them…) we now confront the tough work of the Forum… detail around the key topic areas.

Yesterday’s discussions have been distilled down to ten key focus points. And we have been asked to choose one topic to contribute 5 action points (recommendations) for these topics: Read more



“Responding to audience demand for more connection, for the more experiential – artists and companies are experimenting with new modes of engagement that have the capacity to deepen and re-imagine relationships between artists and audiences.”
Facilitator – Annette Downs (Tasmania Performs), Kristine Landon-Smith (Tamasha, UK), Steve Mayhew (Country Arts SA) Kyle Morrison (Yirra Yaakin), Sam Strong (Griffin)

Sam Strong gives us a Social media strategy of Griffin – especially around his Between the Lines program – a program of one off theatrical events and audience engagement activities Read more



“Lenine Bourke (Contact Inc.) and Darren O’Donnell (Mammalian Diving Reflex, Canada) compare their respective companies’ models and processes and freewheel their way through the principles underpinning their work – social practice, working with non-artists and international collaboration.”

With the assistance of Skype a huge face patiently stares at us on the stage from the Powerhouse. We have been a bit slow and meandering this morning and it seems like it’s all running 15 minutes late. Read more

ATF 2011 – Good morning Friday!


Last day of the Australian Theatre Forum – and as promised, Jane Howard and I are having a frock off… She’s in yellow and I’m in blue… It’s a lovely Brisbane day and it’s a big day ahead. Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.