Opportunity for Writers | ONE PAGE WONDERS a fast and fun writer’s workshop


So… what are you doing this Thursday? Read more

Machine Atlas | Shopfront Theatre


It’s a beautiful clear night in Kogarah when I make my way to the Town Square – there’s a parked car in the middle of the street and a man hemmed in by bright-eyed children spinning pink fairy-floss onto a stick. There’s a fortress… There’s a gated night market within – and we wait as people gather and mill. Read more

Can we Talk about this? | DV8 & Sydney Opera House


In the crowded Drama theatre at the Sydney Opera House, you can see the bright shiny faces of the Sydney intelligentsia and arts crowd (and me) – chatting – gently assured of all that is known and assumed – we are a tolerant open-minded, culturally sensitive bunch – we are aware of the impact of intolerance in a society. We know where we stand on issues of racial and religious intolerance. Read more

A Quiet Night in Rangoon | Subtlenuance & The Spare Room


I have always thought of theatre as an extreme sport – it asks you to push yourself to the absolute limit of your creativity, resourcefulness – it asks you to be sleep deprived, and physically and emotionally exhausted because it is limited by time, space and presence. The transience of it raises the stakes – and the lead up takes a million times longer than the event itself… it is perhaps this fact that makes the role of the playwright so essential.

If you don’t get the content right, try as you might, the experience can be devastating – for the actors and the audience. The play is the thing. Read more

Michal Imielski: An intimate Portrait of an Artist and a response to Unsex Me | True West Theatre & SHH Productions


I observe the human in the corner. I watch as his face lit by a laptop, uncovered the detail of a thinking face. He is curled towards his keyboard and a series of light switches on dimmers… a network of cables stream from a table, connected to lights arcing up as baby birds do, mouths screaming out white light. His furrowed gaze focused on the throbbing sound. Occasionally punctuating the voice of an actor with flippant flashes from his camera. Read more

Basketcase by Katie Pollock | GRIFFringe


One of the greatest honours that can be bestowed upon me is that of a playwright approaching me to direct their work. I’ve been like a kid in a wading pool, racing around and around…chasing playwrights with money, offers of production, gushing emails and long coffee dates… and this year I decided to stop the chasing and to float and see what would come my way. Read more

Blood Wedding | Sydney Theatre Company


Currently the most talked about production in industry circles- Sydney Theatre Company’s production Of Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca translated by Iain Sinclair. Read more

And No More Shall We Part | Griffin Theatre Company


In the gentle yellow light, a man assists a woman into a single bed. He sits in a chair, besides the bed. He waits. There is silence. The lights dim.

When the lights rise, they speak. Read more

Breakfast with Beresford | Currency House’s Arts and Public Life Breakfast Series 2011


The world looks different pre-breakfast. Up in the air. Unsettled. Like all the dreams, all the ideas of the world have been shaken up in the snow globe of your head and before breakfast, the pages of thought are still in flight… and before breakfast there is the anticipation of what the day will settle. Read more

My Paris | Old 505 Theatre


On a cold Sunday night, rugged up and ready, I turned the collar of my coat up and find my way to Old 505 Theatre. Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.