Bronte | atyp Under the Wharf & Illyria Productions


Less than 200 years ago, the Bronte sisters were published under names that were not their own. Charlotte was known as Currer, Emily as Ellis and Ann was known as Acton. For women writers, to be published under a male pseudonym, was fairly common- in fact a letter sent to Charlotte from Robert Southey suggested that “… the daydreams in which you indulge are likely to produce a distempered state of mind … Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life and ought not to be. The more she is engaged in her proper duties the less time she will have for it, even as a recreation.” In the face of this- the three sisters continued to write. Read more

Dirty Butterfly | Flour Sugar Tea, Arts Radar, B-Sharp


Debbie Tucker Green’s Dirty Butterfly is no easy night in the theatre. But then again, not all theatre is written to be easy. At the heart of so many stories are cautionary tales- unimaginable feats of bravery (or stupidity)- often parables wherein instinct (lust, desire) overwhelms logic and duty to disasterous ends. Launguage – sharp. Direct. Poetic. A rhythm that hypnotises through repetition- like a needle stuck skipping over the same black grooves in the vinyl. It feels scratched. The language- the delivery. Is Scratched. Scratchy. Sentences are clipped- but not neatly. Like a pen franticly scratching it’s ink-blood on the back of an opened envelope. It sounds like. Like? It sounds like. The play sounds like rapid fire gunshots. Read more

Like A Fishbone | Griffin Theatre Company & Sydney Theatre Company


It’s not easy taking a punt on a new play, and the scariest punt imaginable is the play which is absolutely positively new and from an absolutely positively new writer. In this case the sleight of hand is interesting: and the context is interesting. The Griffin Theatre Company and Sydney Theatre Company have joined forces to produce Anthony Weigh’s new play “Like a Fishbone.” Read more

Auditions, Writer & Director Opportunities & Ticket Offers


Sick of winter? Looking for something to do? Want to make some new friends? Want to get involved… want to see an awesome show? Here’s some suggestions for you… Read more

Macquarie| Alex Buzo Company & Parramatta Riverside Theatres


History. I love it. I love the sense of nostalgia, the 20/20 vision hindsight brings… I love how histories are told- filtered through time and delivered to a listener who may live the effects of a great event- but may not know the tiny steps that have lead us here. I’m a nerd. I must admit that I have, on occasion, found solace in Thucydides- a dogeared copy of the History of the Peloponnesian War sits on my bedside table. I think about the civilisations that have been built- the cultures that have evolved and I stand in awe at the how little people change. How time passes. I find it comforting. Read more

Stood down for Standing up for what he believes in…


Never underestimate facebook to keep you up to date with everyone’s personal details (your ex-boyfriend’s imminent parenthood) to the professional (B-Sharp ending at the end of 2010)…

And now… the standing down of John McCallum from the University of New South Wales was announced to me by Facebook. Read more

The Cost of Independence


Theatre is the occupation of romantic nerds.

We believe in ideas. We believe that ideas can change people- and people can change the world. We are, as Alana Valentine suggested in her key note speech last year, conservatives- we love to conserve what we have. We are loyal. We feel the injustice when loyalty is betrayed or abused. We believe that there is nothing more powerful than the potential of space. We are compelled to express ourselves in an ancient art form which we participate in with other people, for other people. Read more

B-Sharp or B- Flat?

Belvoir Doors

I’d just come home from seeing Bell Shakespeare’s Actors At Work’s Hamlet Intensive (written by Ned Manning and William Shakespeare and directed by Matt Edgerton), I had put my laundry on, taken off my boots- and out of casual obligation I open my email to find this image in my inbox. Sent by multiple sources. Read more

Brand Spanking New: A Celebration of New Australian Writing


There are millions of reasons why NOT to do something… but there are only a handful of reasons of why people do things… Why bother to make anything? Why invest your time and focus in theatre? Why put yourself forward for speculation or interrogation? Why? Because you are compelled by whatever inspiration or demon (Carrot or stick, if you will..) that drives you… Ultimately it’s about offering- offering an audience a new point of view, a reassurance, a story to soothe, or stir… and short work seasons an do this beautifully-offering a variety of perspectives or worlds to dip into from the safety of you seat.
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The Colour Blind Project Short-Play Festival

Colour Bind Faces Red HI home page face logo3

If anyone knows how hard it is to get a project up and running- it’s me.

And it’s not easy in a city like Sydney, which has limited venues to hire, (as many are curated spaces) and in an industry that so easily chews people up and spits them out, to inspire people into action. Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.