The GAB | The Actors Benevolent Fund of NSW & Sydney Theatre Company


It’s a terrifying truth, that many actors won’t live in the perfumed comfort of a mansion in the Hollywood Hills – some may never even know the horror/delight of owning a mortgage anywhere – ever. Read more

WTF is NOVEMBERISM? | The Old 505 Theatre


We are a week into November… and you may have heard of a word whispered in foyers, or “liked” on facebook… and you may have thought, WTF is Novemberism? And why is everyone talking about it? Read more

Not a Review of Women Power Culture – Then & Now | New Theatre

wpc web

This is not a review.

It can’t be. It’s unfortunate that the little tab on my site says “Reviews” when really this is not a review. it’s a post. Well perhaps it might be a review of sorts as I re-view the past month or so working on my pieces for Women Power Culture. I am viewing it – or responding to the questions I have been asking myself about many things. Read more

Arts and Public Life Breakfast with Noni Hazlehurst | Currency House


It’s a buzzing room when I arrive – bleary eyed and still shaking the dreams from my hair. Read more

RU4Me? | True West Theatre & Riverside Theatre


It’s true that a journey of a millions sites begins with a single click. And for many singles waiting to click – they journey into the lives of many through the online dating portholes.

Dating. Read more

Freshly Squeezed | Stage Juice & PACT


It’s no secret… I am a new work enthusiast. There is little that excites me about re-invented classics or perfectly preserved museum pieces. I want to see, read and experience the very edge of artistic possibility. I want to be moved and shaken. I want to be awakened to a bright and difficult reality or compassion. I want to be surprised and delight and transfixed. I want to surrender to staring. I don’t really mind if it’s rough and its ready, as long as it’s new. Read more

The National Cultural Policy – So what do you want?

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There’s a computer game that many of my friends play called “Civilisation” (I know, this may seem to be an odd start to this post but I thought an interesting one) which is a game in which the player spends hours empire building. It’s an interesting game because it asks the player to imagine building a society that is victorious – and sometimes this means re-inventing history or re-thinking a strategic political position. Read more

WHAT THE….? “MEDIA RELEASE: No Richard Burton Award for New Plays to be awarded in 2011”


I’ve had my head down the last few weeks in rehearsal for WOMEN POWER CULTURE season (A festival designed by Louise Fischer to celebrate women playwrights and directors) – and I’m also busy reading plays right now for Playwriting Australia… so apologies for the delay IN MY OUTRAGE!!!


This Year’s Ashes | Griffin Theatre Company


There are some theatre experiences which push you out into the world, trembling but ready to face it. This Year’s Ashes is one of those experiences. Read more

Lucky | IPAN & The Spare Room


Lately I’ve been thinking about risk. When existence is a series of calculated guesses based on empirical evidence, where does risk sit in the idea of progression or preservation? By that I mean, when is risking something, really the only way to ensure your own survival? Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.