MIDNITE at New Theatre and thinking about children’s plays


I want to briefly mention the production of Midnite I saw on Saturday at New Theatre… adapted by Richard Tulloch from Randolf Stow’s “The Story of a Wild Colonial Boy”, directed by Jodine Muir and Jennifer Monk. Read more

The Pitch | Darlinghurst Theatre

Photo: Garth Oriander

Photo: Garth Oriander

Sometimes, you just want a show that is tight, clever and completely entertaining- with The Pitch, Darlinghurst Theatre’s current prodcution- you are in safe hands and guaranteed a fun night at the theatre. Read more

Hamlet | Schaubuhne & Sydney Festival


To review or not to review- that is the question.
What to review, if you review- that IS the question.

I could review the story- the text- the production… but in this pre-review entry I am going to review audience expectation. Read more

Stories from the 428


Always dreaming up new projects and always on trains or buses- I began thinking what an amazing social phenomenon public transport is.. how we are forced into intimate situations with strangers who we wouldn’t necessarilly choose to sit next to skin-to-skin, nor choose to hear moments of their phone or general conversation – yet we are often in close proximity to strangers. Read more

The Invisible Workers


After I attended the much anticipated Philip Parsons Lecture at Belvoir last year I was invited to write an article for New Matilda about the women in theatre debate… which I have included below. Read more

The Book of Everything| Company B & Kim Carpenter’s Theatre of Image

Photo: Heidrun Lohr

Photo: Heidrun Lohr

Sometimes when I really enjoy a piece of theatre the last thing I want to do is describe the best surprises and outline the plot in full- I think it devalues the spontaneous experience of the audience. I’m not sure who reads reviews- and I am certainly not clear on who reads my reviews. In 2007 when I first started reviewing I found it very curious that one of my fellow reviewers never reads anyone but himself. I always read reviews- especially shows I have reviewed- I like to follow the show through all terrain to get a sense of how the show travelled and which reviewers highlighted specific aspects of production. Read more

2009: A retrospective


2009 has finished- no Bull! We survived the teething decade of the new millenium- and her we are at the start of a new year! What a relief! As with every end of the year comes certain things- sunburn, family Christmases, NYE revelling, music festivals and retrospection which sometimes justifies some introspection- so here is my intro/retrospection about theatre in the last year… Read more

Tot Mom| Sydney Theatre Company

essiezoe_optMy last review of the year- I may very well squeeze a review of the year in theatre- but this is the last show I was needing to write up… which I will admit was a little tricky for a couple of reasons- the opening night being on the 23rd of December… also thinking alot about Verbatim theatre as a style/genre of theatre making, what it means for The Sydney Theatre Company to be so closely linked to an international community of filmmakers and yet seemingly so far away or disconnected from Sydney’s Theatre community. Read more

Australian Finals Emergenza- the results are in…


After a full year of heats and audience voting, Saturday night at The Metro was the culimation of hundreds of rehearsals, a huge amount of money- and musicians asking of their friends to pre-buy tickets to see them play (and to vote for their band). Harnessed by the impressive calm and cool talents of Bo Philips- the Australian Area Manager for Emergenza- bands from across Australia (and New Zealand) lined up for over 6 hours of battle. Read more

Runway Inner West | Ashfield Youth Theatre


I think it’s safe to say that my relationship to fashion is like that between a brooding teenage boy and an over-eager teenage girl… me being the brooding teenage boy with my sleepy eyelids and “fashion” being the ever present teenage girl throwing herself at me despite my disengagement. I don’t think about clothes- I don’t and haven’t ever bought magazines… I am often found wearing black- because colour demands a high level of maintenance… Read more

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Augusta Supple

Sydney-based theatre director, producer and writer. This site is about my long, deep, bright-eyed, ever-hopeful, sometimes difficult, always invigorating, rambunctious, rebellious, dynamic and very personal relationship with Australian Arts and Culture... I reflect on shows, talks, essays, writing, artists that inspire me to say something, and you'll find out what I'm working on, who I'm working with and what inspires me.